Shree Shankaracharya was the greatest master of this land. Today, Sanatana Dharma is still alive on this land because of his tremendous hard work and selfless sacrifice. One must never forget the great work which he did for us.
As an attempt to propagate the life history, teachings, tradition, ideals and glory of Shankaracharya among the masses, we are presenting this application. Hence the users are requested to share the application with interested ones.
The content of the application is presented in a very simple way. If there are any corrections or suggestions, please write to us at
Shree Shankaracharya adalah master terbesar dari tanah ini. Hari ini, Sanatana Dharma masih hidup di tanah ini karena kerja keras yang luar biasa dan pengorbanan tanpa pamrih. Satu tidak pernah harus melupakan pekerjaan besar yang ia lakukan bagi kita.
Sebagai upaya untuk menyebarkan riwayat hidup, ajaran, tradisi, cita-cita dan kemuliaan Shankaracharya antara massa, kami menyajikan aplikasi ini. Oleh karena itu pengguna diminta untuk berbagi aplikasi dengan yang tertarik.
Isi dari aplikasi ini disajikan dalam cara yang sangat sederhana. Jika ada koreksi atau saran, silahkan menulis kepada kami di
Shree Shankaracharya was the greatest master of this land. Today, Sanatana Dharma is still alive on this land because of his tremendous hard work and selfless sacrifice. One must never forget the great work which he did for us.
As an attempt to propagate the life history, teachings, tradition, ideals and glory of Shankaracharya among the masses, we are presenting this application. Hence the users are requested to share the application with interested ones.
The content of the application is presented in a very simple way. If there are any corrections or suggestions, please write to us at